My story


Dong E (東夷) 2011. 4. 14. 08:50


Bill Gates says "I am not strong, nor genius with a good brain, just changing new everyday. That is my secret to success."


Charles Darwin also said " survival creatures are not strong, nor smart species. They are well adapted species to change."

Nature is cruel to the unchanged species.

There is only death if not adapted.

It is more evident nowadays that we are living as a slave if we do not make an effort to change our minds.

We should widen our choices and curiosity everyday so that we will not be in old-fashioned.

To be ahead of the times, reading various books and feeling sympathy toward the contemporary is the best method.

"Varity is the spice of life"

To survive and evolve for a better creature, change to adaptation is the only way.

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