My story

Cross Star

Dong E (東夷) 2011. 6. 15. 22:08



When we visit unknown places, we become scared because we don't know where to go.
I felt scared when I was left alone in a dark mountain which I have never climbed.
I learned that climbing to the top will help me to find the right path.

One does not feel scared when one has already done an action and known the right way to goal.
Everyone would agree that nothing is more fearful than death for nobody has experienced it and successfully came back to life.

To overcome these fears, we have to challenge the unknown and be encouraged to reach for higher goals.

I like to be challenged in swimming, running and flying in the six continents and five oceans.
Before dying, I will travel to the top of the universe so I will not forget my goal.

I would like to be a cross star which will serve as a guide to people for them to find the right way.


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