My story


Dong E (東夷) 2012. 5. 10. 08:52


철인5종경기(PENTATHLON) : 패러글라이딩,사이클,마라톤,수영,요트(108Km)


My dream is to found Pentathlon, which is a triathlon with the addition of yacht and paragliding.

Nowadays, triathlon became too popular because it is exciting and challenging

Yacht also became popular because we want to enrich our lives and enjoy traveling.

Paragliding makes our dream to fly, a reality.

Combining these five games in one race will excite many challengers in the world.

By choosing the adequate course which fits to the five races, I am sure to succeed in the Petathlon.


I will practice for this course sooner or later.

For example, start from Kunjung mountain highest in Busan(paragliding race), by Kimhae airport(cycling race),

Dadaepo(marathon race), Noksan(swimming race) and Gaduk(yacht race) to Geoje island.


I think that many people will have high hopes for this race.

I hope this game would be included in the Olympics.


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